Experimenting audioContext for Apple (Safari)
[sgc3.git] / audioProcessing.js
1 /* 
2  * audioProcessing.js
3  * 
4  * Copyright (C) 2016 R.J.J.H. van Son (r.j.j.h.vanson@gmail.com)
5  * 
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  * 
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  * 
16  * You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License at
17  * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
18  */
20 var mimeTypes = {
21         "wav": "audio/wav",
22         "mp3": "audio/mpeg",
23         "flac": "audio/flac",
24         "ogg": "audio/ogg",
25         "spx": "audio/ogg",
26         "aif": "audio/aifc",
27         "tsv": "text/tsv",
28         "csv": "text/csv"
30 // Global variables
31 var recordedBlob, recordedBlobURL;
32 var recordedArray;
33 var recordedDuration;
34 var recordedPitchTier;
35 var windowStart = windowEnd = 0;
36 var recordedSampleRate = 0;
37 var currentAudioWindow = undefined;
38 var audioDatabaseName = "Audio";
39 var examplesDatabaseName = "Examples";
41 var clearRecording = function () { 
42         recordedBlob = undefined;
43         recordedBlobURL = undefined;
44         recordedArray = undefined;
45         currentAudioWindow = undefined;
46         recordedSampleRate = recordedDuration = undefined;
47         recordedPitchTier = undefined;
51  * 
52  * Audio processing code
53  * 
54  */
56 // Only initialize ONCE
57 // On Safari/iOS use: webkitAudioContext
58 // webkitAudioContext must be "resume()"ed with a tap (Record/Play?)
59 var AudioContextObject = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
60 var audioContext = new AudioContextObject();
62 // Decode the audio blob
63 var audioProcessing_decodedArray;
64 function processAudio (blob) {
65         var audioReader = new FileReader();
66         audioReader.onload = function(){
67                 audioContext.resume();  // Is this necessary for Safari?
68                 var arrayBuffer = audioReader.result;
69                 audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, decodedDone, function(e){ console.log("Error with decoding audio data");if(e){console.log(e)}});
70         };
71         audioReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);
74 // You need a function "processRecordedSound ()"
75 // Set some switches to prevent stored data are reused
76 sessionStorage["recorded"] = "false";
77 var retrievedData = false;
78 function decodedDone(decoded) {
79         var typedArray = new Float32Array(decoded.length);
80         typedArray = decoded.getChannelData(0);
81         var currentArray = typedArray;
82         recordedSampleRate = decoded.sampleRate;
83         recordedDuration = decoded.duration;
84         var length = decoded.length;
86         // Process and draw audio
87         recordedArray = cut_silent_margins (currentArray, recordedSampleRate);
88         currentAudioWindow = recordedArray;
89         recordedDuration = recordedArray.length / recordedSampleRate;
90         windowStart = 0;
91         windowEnd = recordedDuration;
93         // make sure this function is defined!!!
94         if (!retrievedData) sessionStorage["recorded"] = "true";
95         processRecordedSound ();
96         sessionStorage["recorded"] = "false";
97         // Note this one should be switched AFTER processRecordedSound has been called.
98         retrievedData = false;
101 function play_soundArray (soundArray, sampleRate, start, end) {
102         var startSample = start > 0 ? Math.floor(start * sampleRate) : 0;
103         var endSample = end > 0 ? Math.ceil(end * sampleRate) : soundArray.length;
104         if (startSample > soundArray.length || endSample > soundArray.length) {
105                 startSample = 0;
106                 endSample = soundArray.length;
107         };
108         var soundBuffer = audioContext.createBuffer(1, endSample - startSample, sampleRate);
109         var buffer = soundBuffer.getChannelData(0);
110         for (var i = 0; i < (endSample - startSample); i++) {
111              buffer[i] = soundArray[startSample + i];
112         };
114         // Get an AudioBufferSourceNode.
115         // This is the AudioNode to use when we want to play an AudioBuffer
116         var source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
117         // set the buffer in the AudioBufferSourceNode
118         source.buffer = soundBuffer;
119         // connect the AudioBufferSourceNode to the
120         // destination so we can hear the sound
121         source.connect(audioContext.destination);
122         // start the source playing
123         source.start();
127  * Convert typed mono array to WAV blob
128  * 
129  */
130 function writeUTFBytes(view, offset, string){ 
131   var lng = string.length;
132   for (var i = 0; i < lng; i++){
133     view.setUint8(offset + i, string.charCodeAt(i));
134   }
137 // Write selection [start, end] to a WAV blob
138 function arrayToBlob (array, start, end, sampleRate) {
139         if(!array) return;
140         if(end <= 0) end = array.length;
141         var window = array.slice(start*sampleRate, end*sampleRate);
143         // create the buffer and view to create the .WAV file
144         var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44 + window.length * 2);
145         var view = new DataView(buffer);
147         // write the WAV container, check spec at: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/
148         // RIFF chunk descriptor
149         writeUTFBytes(view, 0, 'RIFF');
150         view.setUint32(4, 44 + window.length * 2, true);
151         writeUTFBytes(view, 8, 'WAVE');
152         // FMT sub-chunk
153         writeUTFBytes(view, 12, 'fmt ');
154         view.setUint32(16, 16, true);
155         view.setUint16(20, 1, true);
156         // mono (2 channels)
157         view.setUint16(22, 1, true);
158         view.setUint32(24, sampleRate, true);
159         view.setUint32(28, sampleRate * 2, true);
160         view.setUint16(32, 2, true);
161         view.setUint16(34, 16, true);
162         // data sub-chunk
163         writeUTFBytes(view, 36, 'data');
164         view.setUint32(40, window.length * 2, true);
166         // write the PCM samples
167         var lng = window.length;
168         var index = 44;
169         var volume = 1;
170         for (var i = 0; i < lng; i++){
171             view.setInt16(index, window[i] * (0x7FFF * volume), true);
172             index += 2;
173         }
175         // our final binary blob that we can hand off
176         var blob = new Blob ( [ view ], { type : 'audio/wav' } );
178         return blob;
181 // Set up window 
182 function setupGaussWindow (sampleRate, fMin) {
183         var lagMax = (fMin > 0) ? 1/fMin : 1/75;
184         var windowDuration = lagMax * 6;
185         var windowSigma = 1/6;
186         var window = new Float32Array(windowDuration * sampleRate);
187         var windowCenter = (windowDuration * sampleRate -1) / 2;
188         for (var i = 0; i < windowDuration * sampleRate; ++i) {
189                 var exponent = -0.5 * Math.pow( (i - windowCenter)/(windowSigma * windowCenter), 2);
190                 window [i] = Math.exp(exponent);
191         };
193         return window;
196 function getWindowRMS (window) {
197         var windowSumSq = 0;
198         var windowRMS = 0;
199         if (window && window.length > 0) {
200                 for (var i = 0; i < window.length; ++i) {
201                         windowSumSq += window [i]*window [i];
202                 };
203                 windowRMS = Math.sqrt(windowSumSq/window.length);
204         };
206         return windowRMS;
209 // Cut off the silent margins
210 // ISSUE: After the first recording, there is a piece at the start missing.
211 // This is now cut off
212 function cut_silent_margins (typedArray, sampleRate) {
213         // Find part with sound
214         var silentMargin = 0.1;
215         // Silence thresshold is -20 dB
216         var thressHoldDb = 25;
217         // Stepsize
218         var dT = 0.01;
219         var soundLength = typedArray.length;
221         // There is sometimes (often) a delay before recording is started
222         var firstNonZero = 0;
223         while (firstNonZero < typedArray.length && (isNaN(typedArray[firstNonZero]) || typedArray[firstNonZero] == 0)) {
224                 ++firstNonZero
225         };
227         // Calculation intensity
228         var currentIntensity = calculate_Intensity (typedArray, sampleRate, 75, 600, 0.01);
229         var maxInt = Math.max.apply(Math, currentIntensity);
230         var silenceThresshold = maxInt - thressHoldDb;
232         var firstFrame = 0;
233         while (firstFrame < currentIntensity.length && currentIntensity[firstFrame] < silenceThresshold) {
234                 ++firstFrame;
235         };
237         var lastFrame = currentIntensity.length - 1;
238         while (lastFrame > 0 && currentIntensity[lastFrame] < silenceThresshold) {
239                 --lastFrame;
240         };
242         if ((firstFrame >= currentIntensity.length - silentMargin/dT) || (lastFrame <= silentMargin/dT) || lastFrame <= firstFrame) {
243                 firstFrame = 0;
244                 lastFrame = currentIntensity.length - 1;
245         };
247         // Convert frames to samples
248         var firstSample = (firstFrame * dT - silentMargin) * sampleRate;
249         var lastSample = ((lastFrame + 1) * dT + silentMargin) * sampleRate;
250         if (firstSample < 0) firstSample = 0;
251         // Remove non-recorded part froms tart
252         if (firstSample < firstNonZero) firstSample = firstNonZero;
253         if (lastSample >= soundLength) lastSample = soundLength - 1;
255         var newLength = Math.ceil(lastSample - firstSample);
256         var soundArray = new Float32Array(newLength);
257         for (var i = 0; i < newLength; ++i) {
258                 // Also, get rid of NaN's
259                 soundArray [i] = !isNaN(typedArray[firstSample + i]) ? typedArray[firstSample + i] : 0;
260         };
261         return soundArray;
264 // Calculate autocorrelation in a window (array!!!) around time
265 // You should divide the result by the autocorrelation of the window!!!
267 // David Weenink: De autocorrelatie moet gecontroleerd worden.
268 // Ik denk niet dat hij veel sneller kan.
269 function autocorrelation (sound, sampleRate, time, window) {
270         // Calculate FFT
271         // This is stil just the power in dB.
272         var soundLength = sound.length;
273         var windowLength = (window) ? window.length : soundLength;
274         var FFT_N = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(windowLength))) * 2;
275         var input = new Float32Array(FFT_N * 2);
276         var output = new Float32Array(FFT_N * 2);
277         // The window can get outside of the sound itself
278         var offset = Math.floor(time * sampleRate - Math.ceil(windowLength/2));
279         if (window) {
280                 for (var i = 0; i < FFT_N; ++i) {
281                         input [2*i] = (i < windowLength && (offset + i) > 0 && (offset + i) < soundLength) ? sound [offset + i] * window [i] : 0;
282                         input [2*i + 1] = 0;
283                 };
284         } else {
285                 for (var i = 0; i < FFT_N; ++i) {
286                         input [2*i] = (i < windowLength && (offset + i) > 0 && (offset + i) < soundLength) ? sound [offset + i] : 0;
287                         input [2*i + 1] = 0;
288                 };
289         };
290         var fft = new FFT.complex(FFT_N, false);
291         var ifft = new FFT.complex(FFT_N, true);
292         fft.simple(output, input, 1)
294         // Calculate H * H(cj)
295         // Scale per frequency
296         for(var i = 0; i < FFT_N; ++ i) {
297                 var squareValue = (output[2*i]*output[2*i] + output[2*i+1]*output[2*i+1]);
298                 input[2*i] = squareValue;
299                 input[2*i+1] = 0;
300                 output[2*i] = 0;
301                 output[2*i+1] = 0;
302         };
304         ifft.simple(output, input, 1);
306         var autocorr = new Float32Array(FFT_N);
307         for(var i = 0; i < FFT_N; ++ i) {
308                  autocorr[i] = output[2*i] / windowLength;
309         };
311         return autocorr;
315  * 
316  * David Weenink, here are the pitch routines:
317  * - Autocorrelation peak picking for candidates
318  * - Pitch tracking for selecting the best candidate
319  * 
320  */
322 // Take a spectrum and return a list with peaks
324 // David Weenink: De peak picker moet geoptimaliseerd worden.
325 // liefst met een "echt" peak picking algoritme. Dit is een simplistische
326 // 5 punts differentiatie (4 verschillen) die halverwege door nul gaan
327 // dwz, twee verschillen > 0 gevolgd door twee verschillen < 0.
328 // Ik gebruik nu een 3 punts parabool om het maximum te vinden, 
329 // maar ik vermoed dat een 5 punts kwadratische fit misschien beter is?
330 function autocorrelationPeakPicker (autocorr, sampleRate, fMin, fMax) {
331         var thressHold = 0.001;
332         var resultArray = [];
333         // Find the pitch candidates
334         var lagMin = (fMax > 0) ? 1/fMax : 1/600;
335         var lagMax = (fMin > 0) ? 1/fMin : 1/60;
336         var startLag = Math.floor(lagMin * sampleRate);
337         var endLag = Math.ceil(lagMax * sampleRate);
338         var bestLag = 0;
339         var bestAmp = -100;
340         // 5 point differentiation
341         var diffAmp = [];
342         var halfLength = 2;
343         for (var i=-halfLength; i<halfLength; ++i){
344                 diffAmp[i+halfLength] = autocorr [startLag+i+1] - autocorr [startLag+i];
345         };
346         var peaks = [];
347         for (var j = startLag; j <= endLag; ++j) {
348                 for (var i=0;  i< diffAmp.length-1; ++i){
349                         diffAmp[i] = diffAmp[i+1];
350                 };
351                 diffAmp[diffAmp.length-1] = autocorr [j+halfLength] - autocorr [j+halfLength-1];
352                 // A peak is found
353                 if(autocorr [j] > thressHold && diffAmp[0] > 0 && diffAmp[1] > 0 && diffAmp[2] <= 0 && diffAmp[3] <= 0) {
354                         // 4 point linear regression with zero-crossing centered around 0
355                         var linReg = linearRegression(diffAmp, [-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5]);
356                         var offset =  - linReg.intercept/linReg.slope;
357                         var zeroCrossing = j + offset;
358                         // Get the maximum using a 3-point quadratic interpolation. 
359                         // I would prefer a 5-point least RMSE quadratic fit
360                         var pC = threePointParabola ([autocorr [j-1], autocorr [j], autocorr [j+1]], [-1, 0, 1]);
361                         var maxValue = pC.a * offset*offset + pC.b*offset + pC.c;
362                         peaks.push({x: sampleRate/zeroCrossing, y: maxValue});
363                 };
364         };
365         // Switch to low to high ordering
366         peaks.reverse();
367         return peaks;
370 // Return pitch array
371 // Return a list of points with {t, candidates} "pairs"
372 function calculate_Pitch (sound, sampleRate, fMin, fMax, dT) {
373         var duration = sound.length / sampleRate;
374         var pitchArray = [];
376         // Set up window and calculate Autocorrelation of window
377         var windowDuration = (fMin > 0) ? 1/fMin : 1/60;
378         windowDuration *= 6;
379         var window = setupGaussWindow (sampleRate, fMin);
380         var windowRMS = getWindowRMS (window);
382         // calculate the autocorrelation of the window
383         var windowAutocorr = autocorrelation (window, sampleRate, windowDuration / 2, 0);
385         // Step through the sound
386         for (var t = 0; t < duration; t += dT) {
387                 var autocorr = autocorrelation (sound, sampleRate, t, window);
388                 for (var i = 0; i < autocorr.length; ++i) {
389                         autocorr [i] /= (windowAutocorr [i]) ? (windowAutocorr [i] * windowRMS) : 0;
390                 };
392                 // Find the pitch candidates
393                 var pitchCandidates = autocorrelationPeakPicker (autocorr, sampleRate, fMin, fMax);
394                 // unvoiced
395                 if(pitchCandidates.length == 0)pitchCandidates.push({x: 0, y: 0});
396                 pitchArray.push({x: t, values: pitchCandidates});
397         };
398         return pitchArray;
401 // PitchTier definition
402 function Tier () {
403         // data
404         this.xmin = Infinity;
405         this.xmax = -Infinity;
406         this.valuemin = Infinity;
407         this.valuemax = -Infinity;
408         this.dT = undefined;
409         this.size = undefined;
410         this.time = [];
411         this.values = [];
413         // access functions
414         this.valueSeries = function () {return this.values; };
415         this.timeSeries = function () {return this.time; };
416         this.item = function (i) {
417                 return {x: this.time [i], value: this.values [i]};
418         };
419         this.writeItem = function (i, item) {
420                 if ( i < this.time.length ) {
421                         this.time [i] = item.x;
422                         if(item.x < this.xmin)this.xmin = item.x;
423                         if(item.x > this.xmax)this.xmax = item.x;
424                         this.values [i] = item.value;
425                         if(item.value < this.valuemin) this.valuemin = item.value;
426                         if(item.value > this.valuemax) this.valuemax = item.value;
427                         return i;
428                 } else {
429                         console.log("Item "+i+" does not exist");
430                         return false;
431                 }
432         };
433         this.pushItem = function (item) {
434                 this.time.push(item.x);
435                 if(item.x < this.xmin)this.xmin = item.x;
436                 if(item.x > this.xmax)this.xmax = item.x;
437                 this.values.push(item.value);
438                 if(item.value < this.valuemin) this.valuemin = item.value;
439                 if(item.value > this.valuemax) this.valuemax = item.value;
440                 this.size = this.time.length;
441                 return this.size;
442         };
445 // Pitch tracking and candidate selection
446 function toPitchTierPitchJS (sound, sampleRate, fMin, fMax, dT) {
447         var duration = sampleRate > 0 ? sound.length / sampleRate : 0;
450         // Set up window and calculate Autocorrelation of window
451         var windowDuration = (fMin > 0) ? 1/fMin : 1/60;
452         windowDuration *= 2;
453         windowLength = sampleRate * windowDuration
455         var pitchTier = new Tier();
456         pitchTier.xmin = 0;
457         pitchTier.dT = dT;
459         /* Create a new pitch detector */
460         var pitch = new PitchAnalyzer(sampleRate);
462         // Step through the sound
463         for (var t = 0; t < duration; t += dT) {
464                 var startSample = Math.floor(sampleRate * (t + dT - windowDuration)/2);
465                 var endSample = startSample + windowLength;
466                 var audioBuffer = new Float32Array(windowLength);
467                 for(var i = 0; i < windowLength; ++i){
468                         if(startSample + i < 0 || startSample + i >= sound.length){
469                                 audioBuffer[i] = 0;
470                         } else {
471                                 audioBuffer[i] = sound [startSample + i];
472                         };
473                 };
475                 /* Copy samples to the internal buffer */
476                 pitch.input(audioBuffer);
477                 /* Process the current input in the internal buffer */
478                 pitch.process();
480                 // Find the pitch candidates
481                 var tone = pitch.findTone();
482                 var pitchCandidates = [];
483                 var F0 = 0;
484                 if (tone === null) {
485                         F0 = 0;
486                 } else {
487                         F0 = tone.freq;
488                 };
489                 pitchTier.pushItem ({x: t, value: F0});
491         console.log("toPitchTier: "+t+" - "+F0+" - "+windowDuration+" - "+audioBuffer.length);
493         };
495         return pitchTier;
498 function toPitchTier (sound, sampleRate, fMin, fMax, dT) {
499         var pitchArray = calculate_Pitch (sound, sampleRate, fMin, fMax, dT);
500         var duration = sampleRate > 0 ? sound.length / sampleRate : 0;
501         var points = [];
502         var timeSeries = [];
503         var valueSeries = [];
505         // Select the best pitch candidates using tracking etc.
506         var bestTrack = viterbi (pitchArray);
508         var pitchTier = new Tier();
509         pitchTier.xmin = 0;
510         pitchTier.dT = dT;
511         for (var i=0; i < pitchArray.length; ++ i) {
512                 var bestValue = pitchArray[i].values[bestTrack[i]].x;
513                 pitchTier.pushItem ({x: pitchArray [i].x, value: bestValue});
514         };
516         return pitchTier;
519 // Viterbi pitch tracking
520 // Takes an array of pitch candidates and returns a list of 
521 // the best candidate for each frame
523 // David Weenink: 
524 // Deze viterbi functie moet versneld en geoptimaliseerd worden.
525 // De kostenfunctie is nu willekeurig gekozen.
526 function viterbi (pitchArray) {
527         var costsList = [];
528         var backpointerList = [];
529         for (var i=0; i < pitchArray.length; ++i) {
530                 var sumWeights = 0;
531                 var pitchCandidates = pitchArray[i].values;
532                 var prevCandidates = pitchArray[i-1] && pitchArray[i-1].values ? pitchArray[i-1].values : [{x:0, y:0}];
533                 var previousCosts = i>0 ? costsList[i-1] : [0];
534                 var candidateCosts = [];
535                 var candidateBackpointers = [];
536                 // Initialize variables
537                 for (var j=0; j <pitchCandidates.length; ++j) {
538                         sumWeights += pitchCandidates[j].y;
539                         candidateCosts.push(0);
540                         candidateBackpointers.push(-1);
541                 };
542                 // Find best continuation for each candidate
543                 for (var j=0; j <pitchCandidates.length; ++j) {
544                         weight = sumWeights > 0 ? 1 - (pitchCandidates[j].y / sumWeights) : 1;
545                         // Initialize to handle voiceless previous frame
546                         minCost = Infinity;
547                         bestBackpointer = 0;
548                         // The cost function is distance^2 / relative height of peak
549                         for (var k=0; k<prevCandidates.length; ++k) {
550                                 // Previous costs of this precurser
551                                 var newCost = previousCosts[k];
552                                 // Cost added
553                                 if(prevCandidates[k].x > 0 && pitchCandidates[j].x > 0) {
554                                         // Squared difference relative to average between points.
555                                         newCost += weight * Math.pow(2*(prevCandidates[k].x - pitchCandidates[j].x)/(prevCandidates[k].x + pitchCandidates[j].x), 2);
556                                 } else {
557                                         newCost += weight;
558                                 };
559                                 if(newCost < minCost) {
560                                         minCost = newCost;
561                                         bestBackpointer = k;
562                                 };
563                         };
564                         candidateCosts[j] = minCost;
565                         candidateBackpointers[j] = bestBackpointer;
566                 };
567                 costsList.push(candidateCosts);
568                 backpointerList.push(candidateBackpointers);
569         };
570         // Trace back best pitch track
571         var lastItem = costsList.length - 1;
572         var costsCandidates = costsList[lastItem];
573         var minCost = costsCandidates[0];
574         var endPoint = 0;
575         // Get the end point with the lowest cost
576         for (j=1; j<costsCandidates.length; ++j) {
577                 if(costsCandidates[j] < minCost) {
578                         minCost = costsCandidates[j];
579                         endPoint = j;
580                 };
581         };
582         var resultTrack = [endPoint];
583         var lastBackpointer = endPoint;
584         for (var i=backpointerList.length - 1; i>0; --i) {
585                 lastBackpointer = backpointerList[i][lastBackpointer];
586                 resultTrack.push(lastBackpointer);
587         };
589         // The result track is reversed
590         return resultTrack.reverse();
594 // DTW between two pitchTiers
596 // David Weenink:
597 // Dit is de DTW functie. Die moet geoptimaliseerd en versneld worden
598 // De kosten (inclusief voor voicing sprongen) zijn nu willekeurig gekozen
599 function toDTW (pitchTier1, pitchTier2) {
600         var horCost = 2;
601         var verCost = 2;
602         var diagonalCost = 1;
603         var voicingCost = 100;
604         var dtw = {distance: 0, path: [], matrix: undefined};
605         var costMatrix = [];
606         var backpointerMatrix = [];
608         var pitch1 = pitchTier1.valueSeries();
609         var pitch2 = pitchTier2.valueSeries();
611         // Initialize the cost and backpointer matrices
612         for (var i=0; i<pitch1.length; ++i) {
613                 var costColumn = [];
614                 var bpColumn = [];
615                 for (var j=0; j<pitch2.length; ++j) {
616                         costColumn.push(0);
617                         bpColumn.push(0);
618                 };
619                 costMatrix.push(costColumn);
620                 backpointerMatrix.push(bpColumn);
621         };
623         // Fill the cost and backpointer matrices
624         // i = pitch1
625         // j = pitch2
626         for (var i=0; i<pitch1.length; ++i) {
627                 for (var j=0; j<pitch2.length; ++j) {
628                         var newCost = 0;
629                         // backpointer [i-1][j]=-1, [i][j-1]=1, [i-1][j-1]=0
630                         var backpointer = 0;
631                         if(j > 0) {
632                                 if(i > 0) {
633                                         var newHorCost = costMatrix[i-1][j] + horCost * dtwCostFunction(pitch1[i-1], pitch2[j], voicingCost);
634                                         var newVerCost = costMatrix[i][j-1] + verCost * dtwCostFunction(pitch1[i], pitch2[j-1], voicingCost);
635                                         var newDiaCost = costMatrix[i-1][j-1] + diagonalCost * dtwCostFunction(pitch1[i-1], pitch2[j-1], voicingCost);
636                                         var minCost = Math.min(newHorCost, newVerCost, newDiaCost);
637                                         if(newDiaCost == minCost) {
638                                                 newCost = newDiaCost;
639                                                 backpointer = 0;
640                                         } else if (newHorCost == minCost) {
641                                                 newCost = newHorCost;
642                                                 backpointer = -1;
643                                         } else if (newVerCost == minCost) {
644                                                 newCost = newVerCost;
645                                                 backpointer = 1;
646                                         } else {
647                                                 console.log("ERROR: No DTW cost");
648                                         };
649                                 } else {
650                                         // i == 0
651                                         newCost = costMatrix[0][j-1];
652                                         newCost += horCost * dtwCostFunction(pitch1[0], pitch2[j], voicingCost);
653                                         backpointer = 1;
654                                 };
655                         } else if (i > 0) {
656                                 // j == 0
657                                 newCost = costMatrix[i-1][0];
658                                 newCost += horCost * dtwCostFunction(pitch1[i], pitch2[0], voicingCost);
659                                 backpointer = -1;
660                         } else {
661                                 // i == 0 and j == 0, corner case
662                                 newCost = 0;
663                                 newCost += horCost * dtwCostFunction(pitch1[0], pitch2[0], voicingCost);
664                                 backpointer = 0;
665                         };
666                         costMatrix[i][j] = newCost;
667                         backpointerMatrix[i][j] = backpointer;
668                 };
669         };
670         dtw.matrix = costMatrix;
672         // Start at upper right corner and trace back the path
673         var i = pitch1.length-1;
674         var j = pitch2.length-1;
675         dtw.distance = costMatrix[i][j];
677         var path = [];
678         while (i > 0 || j > 0) {
679                 path.push({i: i, j: j});
680                 var step = backpointerMatrix[i][j];
681                 if(step == 0) {
682                         i -= 1;
683                         j -= 1;
684                 } else if (step == -1) {
685                         i -= 1;
686                 } else if (step == 1) {
687                         j -= 1;
688                 } else {
689                         console.log("ERROR: wrong step");
690                         return [];
691                 };
692         };
693         path.push({i: 0, j: 0});
694         dtw.path = path.reverse();
696         return dtw;
700 // David Weenink:
701 // Dit is de DTW kostenfunctie. hier kan een betere ingevoerd worden.
702 // Deze is nu willekeurig gekozen
703 function dtwCostFunction (value1, value2, voicingCost) {
704         if(value1 > 0 && value2 > 0)return Math.pow(value1-value2, 2);
705         if(value1 == 0 && value2 == 0)return 0;
706         if(value1 == 0 || value2 == 0)return Math.pow(voicingCost, 2);
709 // Calculate the (RMS) power in a time window
710 function getPower (sound, sampleRate, time, window) {
711         var soundLength = sound.length;
712         var duration = sound.length / sampleRate;
713         var windowLength = (window) ? window.length : soundLength;
714         var sumSquare = 0;
715         var windowSUM = 0;
716         // The window can get outside of the sound itself
717         var offset = Math.floor(time * sampleRate - Math.ceil(windowLength/2));
718         if (window) {
719                 for (var i = 0; i < windowLength; ++i) {
720                         var value = ((offset + i) > 0 && (offset + i) < soundLength) ? sound [offset + i] * window [i] : 0;
721                         sumSquare += value*value;
722                         windowSUM += window [i]*window [i];
723                 };
724         } else {
725                 for (var i = 0; i < windowLength; ++i) {
726                         var value = ((offset + i) > 0 && (offset + i) < soundLength) ? sound [offset + i] : 0;
727                         sumSquare += value*value;
728                         windowSUM += 1;
729                 };
730         };
732         if (windowSUM <= 0) windowSUM = 1;
733         var power = sumSquare / windowSUM;
734         return power;
737 function calculate_Intensity (sound, sampleRate, fMin, fMax, dT) {
738         var duration = sound.length / sampleRate;
739         var bitSize = 16;
740         var maxPower = Math.round(20*Math.log10(Math.pow(2,bitSize-1)));
741         var quantNoise = Math.round(20*Math.log10(0.5));
742         var dynamicRange = maxPower - quantNoise;
743         var lagMin = (fMax > 0) ? 1/fMax : 1/600;
744         var lagMax = (fMin > 0) ? 1/fMin : 1/60;
745         var intensity = new Float32Array(Math.floor(duration / dT));
747         // Set up window
748         var windowDuration = lagMax * 6;
749         var window = setupGaussWindow (sampleRate, fMin);
751         // Step through the sound
752         var i = 0;
753         for (var t = 0; t < duration; t += dT) {
754                 var power = getPower (sound, sampleRate, t, window);
755                 var powerdB = (power > 0) ? dynamicRange + Math.log10(power) * 10 : 0;
756                 if (i < intensity.length) intensity [i] = powerdB;
757                 ++i;
758         };
760         return intensity;
764 // load the sound from a URL
765 function load_audio(url) {
766         var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
767         request.open('GET', url, true);
768         request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
769         // When loaded decode the data and store the audio buffer in memory
770         request.onload = function() {
771                 processAudio (request.response);
772         }
773         request.send();
777  * 
778  * Use: var perc = get_percentiles (points, function (a, b) { return a.value-b.value;}, function(a) { return a.value <= 0;}, [0.05, 0.50, 0.95]);
779  * 
780  */
781 function get_percentiles (points, compare, remove, percentiles) {
782         var sortList = points.slice();
783         var ax;
784         while (sortList.length > 0 && (ax = sortList.indexOf(undefined)) !== -1) {
785             sortList.splice(ax, 1);
786     }
787         var result = [];
788         sortList.sort(compare);
789         var sortListLength = sortList.length
790         for (var i = sortListLength-1; i >= 0; --i) {
791                 if (remove(sortList[i])) {
792                         sortList.splice(i, 1);
793                 };
794         };
795         for (var i = 0; i < percentiles.length; ++i) {
796                 var perc = percentiles[i];
797                 if (perc > 1) perc /= 100;
798                 var newPercentile = {value: undefined, percentile: 0};
799                 var bin = Math.ceil(perc * sortList.length) - 1;
800                 bin = bin < 0 ? 0 : (bin >= sortList.length ? sortList.length : bin);
801                 newPercentile.value = sortList[bin];
802                 newPercentile.percentile = percentiles[i];
803                 result.push(newPercentile)
804         };
805         return result;
808 // return the minim and maximum and their times
809 function get_time_of_minmax (tier) {
810         var min = Infinity;
811         var max = -Infinity;
812         var tmin = tmax = 0;
813         for (var i = 0; i < tier.size; ++i) {
814                 var item = tier.item(i);
815                 var currentValue = item.value;
816                 var currentTime = item.x;
817                 if (currentValue < min) {
818                         min = currentValue;
819                         tmin = currentTime;
820                 };
821                 if (currentValue > max) {
822                         max = currentValue;
823                         tmax = currentTime;
824                 };
825         };
826         return {min: min, max: max, tmin: tmin, tmax: tmax};
830  * 
831  * Use IndexedDB as a store for audio "files"
832  * 
833  */
835 // Use IndexedDB as an Audio storage
836 function saveCurrentAudioWindow (collection, map, fileName) {
837         if (!currentAudioWindow || currentAudioWindow.length <= 0 || ! recordedSampleRate || recordedSampleRate <= 0) return;
838         var blob = arrayToBlob (currentAudioWindow, 0, 0, recordedSampleRate);
839         if (collection && collection.length > 0 && map && map.length > 0 && fileName && fileName.length > 0) {
840                 addAudioBlob(collection, map, fileName, blob);
841         };
844 var indexedDBversion = 2;
845 function getCurrentAudioWindow (collection, map, name) {
846         var request = indexedDB.open(audioDatabaseName, indexedDBversion);
847         request.onerror = function(event) {
848           alert("Use of IndexedDB not allowed");
849         };
850         request.onsuccess = function(event) {
851                 db = this.result;
852                 var key = (map.length > 0) ? collection+"/"+map+"/"+name : collection+"/"+name;
853                 var request = db.transaction(["Recordings"], "readwrite")
854                         .objectStore("Recordings")
855                         .get(key);
857                 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
858                         var record = this.result;
859                         if(record) {
860                                 if(record.audio){
861                                         // processAudio is resolved asynchronously, reset retrievedData when it is finished
862                                         retrievedData = true;
863                                         processAudio (record.audio);
864                                 };
865                         };
866                 };
868                 // Data not found
869                 request.onerror = function(event) {
870                         console.log("Unable to retrieve data: "+map+"/"+name+" cannot be found");
871                 };
873         };
874         request.onerror = function(event) {
875                 console.log("Error: ", event);
876         }
877         request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
878                 var db = this.result;
879                 // Create an objectStore to hold audio blobs.
880                 initializeObjectStore (db, collection);
881         };
884 function getAndPlayExample (wordlist, name, playBlob, otherPlay) {
885         var request = indexedDB.open(examplesDatabaseName, indexedDBversion);
886         request.onerror = function(event) {
887           alert("Use of IndexedDB not allowed");
888         };
889         request.onsuccess = function(event) {
890                 db = this.result;
891                 var key = "Wordlists"+"/"+wordlist+"/"+name;
892                 var request = db.transaction(["Recordings"], "readwrite")
893                         .objectStore("Recordings")
894                         .get(key);
896                 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
897                         var record = this.result;
898                         if(record) {
899                                 if(record.audio){
900                                         // playBlob is run asychronously
901                                         playBlob(record.audio);
902                                 };
903                         };
904                         if((!record || !record.audio) && otherPlay) otherPlay();
905                 };
907                 // Data not found
908                 request.onerror = function(event) {
909                         if(otherPlay) otherPlay();
910                         console.log("Unable to retrieve data: "+map+"/"+name+" cannot be found");
911                 };
913         };
914         request.onerror = function(event) {
915                 console.log("Error: ", event);
916         }
917         request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
918                 var db = this.result;
919                 // Create an objectStore to hold audio blobs.
920                 initializeObjectStore (db, "Worklists");
921         };
924 function getCurrentMetaData (collection, processData) {
925         var request = indexedDB.open(audioDatabaseName, indexedDBversion);
926         request.onerror = function(event) {
927           alert("Use of IndexedDB not allowed");
928         };
929         request.onsuccess = function(event) {
930                 db = this.result;
931                 var request = db.transaction(["Recordings"], "readwrite")
932                         .objectStore("Recordings")
933                         .get(collection+"/"+collection+".tsv");
935                 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
936                         var record = this.result;
937                         if(record) {
938                                 if(record.audio){
939                                         // This is a text blob
940                                         if (processData) {
941                                                 var objectList = csvblob2objectlist(record.audio, processData);
942                                         };
943                                 };
944                         } else {
945                                 var date = new Date().toLocaleString();
946                                 var blob = new Blob([''], { type: 'text/tsv', endings: 'native' });
947                                 var customerObjectStore = db.transaction(["Recordings"], "readwrite").objectStore("Recordings");
948                                 var request = customerObjectStore.add({ collection: collection, map: "", name: collection+".tsv", date: date, audio: blob }, collection+"/"+collection+".tsv");
950                                 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
951                                         console.log("Success: ", this.result, " ", date);
952                                 };
954                                 request.onerror = function(event) {
955                                         console.log("Unable to add data: "+collection+"/"+collection+".tsv"+" cannot be created or updated");
956                                 };              
957                         };
958                 };
960                 // Data not found
961                 request.onerror = function(event) {
962                         console.log("Unable to retrieve metadata file: "+collection+"/"+collection+".tsv cannot be found");
963                 };
965         };
966         request.onerror = function(event) {
967                 console.log("Error: ", event);
968         }
969         request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
970                 var db = this.result;
971                 // Create an objectStore to hold audio blobs.
972                 initializeObjectStore (db, collection);
973         };
976 // Create an objectStore to hold audio blobs.
977 function initializeObjectStore (db, collection) {
978         var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("Recordings");
979         objectStore.createIndex("collection", "collection", { unique: false });
980         objectStore.createIndex("map", "map", { unique: false });
981         // initialize metadata file
982         // Use transaction oncomplete to make sure the objectStore creation is 
983         // finished before adding data into it.
984         objectStore.transaction.oncomplete = function(event) {
985                 // Store values in the newly created objectStore.
986                 var date = new Date().toLocaleString();
987                 var customerObjectStore = db.transaction(["Recordings"], "readwrite").objectStore("Recordings");
988                 // create empty text blob
989                 var blob = new Blob([''], { type: 'text/tsv', endings: 'native' });
990                 var request = customerObjectStore.add({ collection: collection, map: "", name: collection+".tsv", date: date, audio: blob }, collection+"/"+collection+".tsv");
992                 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
993                         console.log("Success: ", this.result, " ", date);
994                 };
996                 request.onerror = function(event) {
997                         console.log("Unable to add data: "+collection+"/"+collection+".tsv"+" cannot be created or updated");
998                 };
999         };
1002 // Use IndexedDB as an Audio storage
1003 // Remove entries that have the same name
1004 // The structure is: Directory, Filename, Binary data
1005 function addAudioBlob(collection, map, name, blob) {
1006         addFileBlob(audioDatabaseName, collection, map, name, blob);
1009 function addExamplesBlob(wordlist, name, blob) {
1010         addFileBlob(examplesDatabaseName, "Wordlists", wordlist, name, blob);
1013 function addFileBlob(databaseName, collection, map, name, blob) {
1014         var date = new Date().toLocaleString();
1015         var db;
1016         var request = indexedDB.open(databaseName, indexedDBversion);
1017         request.onerror = function(event) {
1018           alert("Use of IndexedDB not allowed");
1019         };
1020         request.onsuccess = function(event) {
1021                 db = this.result;
1022                 var key = (map.length > 0) ? collection+"/"+map+"/"+name : collection+"/"+name;
1023                 var request = db.transaction(["Recordings"], "readwrite")
1024                         .objectStore("Recordings")
1025                         .put({ collection: collection, map: map, name: name, date: date, audio: blob }, key);
1027                 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
1028                         console.log("Success: ", this.result, " ", date);
1030                 };
1032                 // If data already exist, update it
1033                 request.onerror = function(event) {
1034                         console.log("Unable to add data: "+key+" cannot be created or updated");
1035                 };
1037         };
1039         request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
1040                 var db = this.result;
1041                 // Create an objectStore to hold audio blobs.
1042                 var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("Recordings");
1043                 objectStore.createIndex("collection", "collection", { unique: false });
1044                 objectStore.createIndex("map", "map", { unique: false });
1045                 // Use transaction oncomplete to make sure the objectStore creation is 
1046                 // finished before adding data into it.
1047                 objectStore.transaction.oncomplete = function(event) {
1048                         // Store values in the newly created objectStore.
1049                         var date = new Date().toLocaleString();
1050                         if (!(name && collection)) return;
1051                         var customerObjectStore = db.transaction(["Recordings"], "readwrite").objectStore("Recordings");
1053                         var request2 = customerObjectStore.add({ collection: collection, map: map, name: name, date: date, audio: blob }, collection+"/"+map+"/"+name);
1054                         request2.onsuccess = function(event) {
1055                                 console.log("Success: ", this.result, " ", date);
1056                         };
1058                         request2.onerror = function(event) {
1059                                 console.log("Unable to add data: "+collection+"/"+map+"/"+name+" cannot be created or updated");
1060                         };
1062                         var tsvBlob = new Blob([''], { type: 'text/tsv', endings: 'native' });
1063                         var request1 = customerObjectStore.add({ collection: collection, map: "", name: collection+".tsv", date: date, audio: tsvBlob }, collection+"/"+collection+".tsv");
1064                         request1.onsuccess = function(event) {
1065                                 console.log("Success: ", this.result, " ", date);
1066                         };
1068                         request1.onerror = function(event) {
1069                                 console.log("Unable to add data: "+collection+"/"+map+"/"+name+" cannot be created or updated");
1070                         };
1071                 };
1072         };
1075 // CSV is a list of objects, each with the same properties
1076 function writeCSV(collection, csvList) {
1077         var map = "";
1078         var name = collection+".tsv";
1079         var blob = objectlist2csvblob (csvList);
1080         addAudioBlob(collection, map, name, blob);
1083 // Iterate over all records
1084 function getAllRecords (collection, processRecords) {
1085         var collectRecords = [];
1086         var db;
1087         var request = indexedDB.open(audioDatabaseName, indexedDBversion);
1088         request.onerror = function(event) {
1089           alert("Use of IndexedDB not allowed");
1090         };
1091         request.onsuccess = function(event) {
1092                 db = this.result;
1093                 var objectStore = db.transaction("Recordings").objectStore("Recordings");
1094                 var index = objectStore.index("collection");
1095                 index.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
1096                   var cursor = event.target.result;
1097                   if (cursor) {
1098                         if (!collection || cursor.value.collection == collection) collectRecords.push(cursor.value);
1099                     cursor.continue();
1100                   } else {
1101                         processRecords(collectRecords);
1102                   };
1103                 };
1104         };
1106         request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
1107                 var db = this.result;
1108                 // Create an objectStore to hold audio blobs.
1109                 initializeObjectStore (db, collection)
1110         };
1114 // Initialize Audio storage
1115 function initializeDataStorage (collection) {
1116         getCurrentMetaData (collection, false);
1119 // Remove a collection
1120 function removeCollection (collection, complete) {
1121         removeSubsetInDB (audioDatabaseName, collection, false, complete);
1124 // Remove a wordlist
1125 function removeExamples (wordlistName, complete) {
1126         removeSubsetInDB (examplesDatabaseName, false, wordlistName, complete);
1129 function removeSubsetInDB (databaseName, collection, map, complete) {
1130         var db;
1131         var request = indexedDB.open(databaseName, indexedDBversion);
1132         request.onerror = function(event) {
1133           alert("Use of IndexedDB not allowed");
1134         };
1135         request.onsuccess = function(event) {
1136                 db = this.result;
1137                 var objectStore = db.transaction("Recordings", "readwrite").objectStore("Recordings");
1138                 var index = collection ? objectStore.index("collection") : objectStore.index("map");
1139                 index.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
1140                   var cursor = event.target.result;
1141                   if (cursor) {
1142                           var deleteCursor = false;
1143                           deleteCursor = deleteCursor || !(collection || map);
1144                           deleteCursor = deleteCursor || (!map && (collection && cursor.value.collection == collection));
1145                           deleteCursor = deleteCursor || (!collection && (map && cursor.value.map == map));
1146                           deleteCursor = deleteCursor || ((collection && cursor.value.collection == collection) && (map && cursor.value.map == map));
1147                         if (deleteCursor) {
1148                                 var value = cursor.value;
1149                         var request = cursor.delete();
1150                         request.onsuccess = function() {
1151                                         console.log('Delete', value);
1152                                 };
1153                         } else {
1154                                 if(complete)complete(collection);
1155                         };
1156                     cursor.continue();
1157                   };
1158                 };
1159         };
1161         request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
1162                 var db = this.result;
1163                 // Create an objectStore to hold audio blobs.
1164                 initializeObjectStore (db, collection)
1165         };
1169 // Remove Audio storage, including ALL data
1170 function clearDataStorage (databaseName, storeName) {
1171         var db;
1172         var request = indexedDB.open(databaseName, 1);
1173         request.onerror = function(event) {
1174           alert("Use of IndexedDB not allowed");
1175         };
1176         request.onsuccess = function(event) {
1177                 db = this.result;
1178                 var request = db.transaction([storeName], "readwrite")
1179                         .objectStore(storeName)
1180                         .clear();
1182                 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
1183                         console.log("Success: ", storeName);
1185                 };
1187                 // If data already exist, update it
1188                 request.onerror = function(event) {
1189                         console.log("Unable to clear "+storeName);
1190                 };
1191         };
1195 // Remove Audio storage, including ALL data
1196 function deleteDatabase (databaseName) {
1197         var req = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(databaseName);
1198         req.onsuccess = function () {
1199             console.log("Deleted database successfully");
1200         };
1201         req.onerror = function () {
1202             console.log("Couldn't delete database");
1203         };
1204         req.onblocked = function () {
1205             console.log("Couldn't delete database due to the operation being blocked");
1206         };
1210  * 
1211  * Comma/Tab-Separated-Values
1212  * 
1213  */
1215 // Convert a list of objects to a csv blob
1216 function objectlist2csvblob (csvList) {
1217         var headerList = Object.keys(csvList[0]);
1218         var text = headerList.join("\t") + "\n";
1219         for (var i=0; i<csvList.length; ++i) {
1220                 var valueList = [];
1221                 for (var p=0; p<headerList.length; ++p) {
1222                         valueList.push(csvList[i][headerList[p]]);
1223                 };
1224                 text += valueList.join("\t") + "\n";
1225         };
1226         var blob = new Blob ([text], {type: 'text/tsv', endings: 'native'});
1227         return blob;
1230 function csvblob2objectlist (blob, handleList) {
1231         if(blob.type != "text/tsv") return undefined;
1232         var reader = new FileReader();
1233         reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() {
1234            // reader.result contains the contents of blob as a typed array
1235                 var lines = reader.result.split(/\r\n|\n/);
1236                 var columnNames = lines[0].split(/\t/);
1237                 var objectList = [];
1238                 for (var i=1; i<lines.length; ++i) {
1239                         if(lines[i].match(/\t/)) {
1240                                 var values = lines[i].split(/\t/);
1241                                 var record = {};
1242                                 for(var p=0; p<columnNames.length; ++p) {
1243                                         record[columnNames[p]] = values[p];
1244                                 };
1245                                 objectList.push(record);
1246                         };
1247                 };
1248                 handleList(objectList);
1249         });
1250         reader.readAsText(blob);        
1253 // Convert csv into an object. Must contain a property .key
1254 function csvblob2object (blob, handleObject) {
1255         if(blob.type != "text/tsv") return {};
1256         var reader = new FileReader();
1257         reader.addEventListener("loadend", function() {
1258            // reader.result contains the contents of blob as a typed array
1259                 var lines = reader.result.split(/\r\n|\n/);
1260                 var columnNames = lines[0].split(/\t/);
1261                 var object = {};
1262                 for (var i=1; i<lines.length; ++i) {
1263                         if(lines[i].match(/\t/)) {
1264                                 var values = lines[i].split(/\t/);
1265                                 var record = {};
1266                                 for(var p=0; p<columnNames.length; ++p) {
1267                                         record[columnNames[p]] = values[p];
1268                                 };
1269                                 object[record.key] = record;
1270                         };
1271                 };
1272                 handleObject(object);
1273         });
1274         reader.readAsText(blob);        
1277 function csvList2object (csvList) {
1278         var object = {};
1279         for (var i=0; i<csvList.length; ++i) {
1280                 object[csvList[i].key] = csvList[i];
1281         };
1282         return object;
1285 function object2csvList (csvObject) {
1286         var keyList = Object.keys(csvObject);
1287         var csvList = [];
1288         for (var i=0; i<keyList.length; ++i) {
1289                 csvList.push(csvObject[keyList[i]]);
1290         };
1291         return csvList;
1294 // Do linear regression
1295 // y = [<y-values]]
1296 // y = [<x-values]]
1297 // return {slope: , intercept: , r2: }
1298 // 
1299 // (by: Trent Richardson, 
1300 //      http://trentrichardson.com/2010/04/06/compute-linear-regressions-in-javascript/)
1301 function linearRegression(y,x){
1302                 var lr = {};
1303                 var n = y.length;
1304                 var sum_x = 0;
1305                 var sum_y = 0;
1306                 var sum_xy = 0;
1307                 var sum_xx = 0;
1308                 var sum_yy = 0;
1310                 for (var i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {
1312                         sum_x += x[i];
1313                         sum_y += y[i];
1314                         sum_xy += (x[i]*y[i]);
1315                         sum_xx += (x[i]*x[i]);
1316                         sum_yy += (y[i]*y[i]);
1317                 } 
1319                 lr['slope'] = (n * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / (n*sum_xx - sum_x * sum_x);
1320                 lr['intercept'] = (sum_y - lr.slope * sum_x)/n;
1321                 lr['r2'] = Math.pow((n*sum_xy - sum_x*sum_y)/Math.sqrt((n*sum_xx-sum_x*sum_x)*(n*sum_yy-sum_y*sum_y)),2);
1323                 return lr;
1326 // find y = a*x^2 + b*x + c from three points y=[], x=[]
1327 // I would prefer a 5-point fit
1328 function threePointParabola (y, x) {
1329     var a = ((y[1]-y[0])*(x[0]-x[2]) + (y[2]-y[0])*(x[1]-x[0]))/((x[0]-x[2])*(x[1]*x[1]-x[0]*x[0]) + (x[1]-x[0])*(x[2]*x[2]-x[0]*x[0]))
1330     var b = ((y[1] - y[0]) - a*(x[1]*x[1] - x[0]*x[0])) / (x[1]-x[0])
1331     var c = y[0] - a*x[0]*x[0] - b*x[0];
1332     return {a: a, b: b, c: c};